Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Touched for the very first Time on Virgin America

On air chat pick ups, Purple lights and cool vibe make for one smooth ride

I've always been a fan of eccentric billionaire, Richard Branson. Over the years, his stunts at grand openings for his record stores, colas and airlines were not too be missed. I love entrepreneurs who think out of the box, so when Virgin America landed in Chicago, I couldn't wait to fly it. The ride did not dissapoint.

As I approaced the counter, I wasn't sure if I was at the club or in a scene from the movie, "Hangover." I found myself rocking to the music. At that moment, LMFAO's, "Party Rock" was blaring over the speaker.  

Once I boarded my flight in the wee hour of the morning, the purple lights and purple plexiglass (to separate first class from coach) took me back to a night on a party bus.I could only imagine what life was like as Jimi Hendrix at that moment or was Branson's version an upgrade from Snoop Dogg's role in the movie, "Soul Plane." From that moment on, I knew this was not your grandmother's airplane and was glad about it. It is truly a new day and a new way to fly.

An hour into my flight, I woke up to a message on my screen which was embedded in a white lacquered (unlike the usual hospital matte) finish. An individual in a certain seat number wanted to chat with me. Wait a minute. Am I getting hit on mid flight?  Could Virgin Airlines be not only an change agent in the aviation industry but in my dating life as well.  Not sure I wanted to find out or turn around out of curiosity.  The rest of the ride was as smooth as the landing. Between the countless movie/tv/game options and wi-fi accessibility, I was busy as I wanted to be. 
So were there any disappointments? I know I'm not alone when I say the $25 checked luggage fee ( I will bring carry on luggage next time) was a Debbie Downer, but for the price, this is one Virgin you want to experience.